28. Oktober 2019
Today we said our goodbyes to our French guests. It was a pleasure having you as our guests. Have a safe journey back home everybody!:)
27. Oktober 2019
The big Group Photo.
27. Oktober 2019
Here are some impressions of the closing ceremony. Our head mistress Mrs. Portius and EYP-President Philip Kardell held speeches and we did the traditional EYP-Dance to the song Imagine by John Lennon.
27. Oktober 2019
Our this year's Presidents and Chairs.
27. Oktober 2019
The resolution by the committee of Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL 2) was not passed with: 33 votes FOR 38 votes AGAINST 5 ABSTANTION 2 MISSING
27. Oktober 2019
The resolution by the committee on Security and Defence (SEDE) was not passed with: 22 votes FOR 37 votes AGAINST 6 ABSTANTION 2 MISSING
27. Oktober 2019
The resolution by the committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) was passed with: 27 votes FOR 21 votes AGAINST 26 ABSTANTION 2 MISSING
27. Oktober 2019
The resolution by the committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) was passed with: 39 votes FOR 29 votes AGAINST 4 ABSTANTION 2 MISSING